Capturing Memories, Leaving Love Behind

Forevermems offers a secure platform for capturing, storing, and sharing heartfelt messages in form of videos, audio, images and even documents with your loved ones, accessible only after your passing. Whether it’s a message for your children, grandchildren, or those dearest to you, these personalised messages become a bridge across time, offering comfort, remembrance, and a unique glimpse into your life, values, and love.

A Story Of Love, Loss, And The Enduring Power Of Connection

My name is Bob, and like many of you, I’ve experienced the profound impact of love and the heartbreaking reality of loss. When my wife passed away, the world around me seemed to dim. Yet, amidst the grief, a powerful desire to connect with her memory and share the love we shared became a beacon of hope. It was during this challenging time, facing my own health concerns, that the idea for Forevermems was born.

Driven by the belief that love transcends even death, I wanted to create a way to preserve precious memories and ensure they reach the hearts of those we hold dear, even when we’re gone. With my 30 years of experience in IT and product development, I poured my heart and soul into building Forevermems, a secure platform where you can capture and store heartfelt images, videos, thoughts, recordings and messages, accessible only by your designated loved ones after you pass away.

Beyond Messages, Beyond Time

We invite you to join the Forevermems community, where the profound journey of life, loss, and love is woven into the very fabric of the platform. This is not just about preserving memories; it’s about crafting legacies that echo through time. Welcome to Forevermems, where every message is a testament to the enduring power of love.

More Than Just Memories, It's A Legacy Of Love.

Forevermems isn’t just about storing messages; it’s about leaving a lasting legacy of love, laughter, and stories that will continue to inspire and comfort your loved ones long after you’re gone. Imagine your son, years from now, watching a video message filled with your warmth and wisdom, a reminder of the love that bound you together. Picture your future grandchildren listening to recordings of bedtime stories you read aloud with love and recorded for them or discovering a treasure trove of memories, learning about their family history and the incredible person you were.

Simple, Secure, And Built With Love.

Using Forevermems is easy. You can record and upload images, documents, videos, and audio directly on our platform, ensuring your messages are safe and secure in the cloud. We understand the sensitive nature of your memories, which is why we prioritize data security and privacy with the highest industry standards.

Your Story Matters. Share It With Forevermems.

Whether you’re facing your own mortality, wanting to leave a message for your children, or simply cherishing the memories you’ve built, Forevermems offers a unique and meaningful way to share your love and ensure it continues to touch the lives of those you cherish.

The Growing Legacy Of Forevermems


Active And Happy Users


Safety And Privacy


Private Files Safeguarded


User Satisfaction